Samuel Corona-Aquino, Zi-Qi Zeng, Tao Xie, Shi-Xin You, Chunling Ding, Yukun Song, Dongzhou Wang, Yun Meng, Kai Zou, Xiaolong Hu, Baihong Li, Alfred B. U’Ren, Roberto de J. León-Montiel, and Rui-Bo Jin,
Spectral Characterization of Biphotons using Quantum Interferometric Spectroscopy submitted (2024)
- D.B. Kim, X. Hu, A.B. U'Ren, K. Garay-Palmett, and V.O. Lorenz "Spatio-Spectral Quantum State Estimation of Photon Pairs from Optical Fiber Using Stimulated Emission" submitted (2024) arXiv:2410.00298
- Mateo Frausto-Avila, Roberto de J. León-Montiel, Mario A. Quiroz-Juárez, Alfred B. U’Ren, "Prospective study of machine learning for identification of high-risk COVID-19 patients" submitted (2024) preprint: medRxiv 2024.02.21.24303159
- Z. Ibarra-Borja, Pablo Yepiz-Graciano, J. N. Claro-Rodríguez, A. B. U’Ren, R. Ramírez-Alarćon "Imaging symmetric and anti-symmetric behavior of OAM-entangled two-photon states" Physical Review Applied 22 (2), 024068 (2024) [PDF]
- S. Corona-Aquino, Z. Ibarra-Borja, O. Calderón-Losada, B. Piccirillo, V. Vicuña-Hernández, T. Moctezuma-Quistian, H. Cruz-Ramírez, D. Lopez-Mago, and A.B. U’Ren, "Generation of heralded vector-polarized single photons in remotely controlled topological classes" Physical Review Applied 21 034030 (2024) [PDF]
- Mayte Y. Li-Gomez, Pablo Yepiz-Graciano, Taras Hrushevskyi, Omar Calderón-Losada, Erhan Saglamyurek, Dorilian Lopez-Mago, Vahid Salari, Trong Ngo, Alfred B. U'Ren, and Shabir Barzanjeh "Quantum enhanced probing of multilayered-samples" Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023170 (2023) [PDF]
- K. Garay-Palmett, D.-B. Kim, Y. Zhang, F.A. Dominguez-Serna, V.O. Lorenz, A.B. U’Ren "Fiber-based photon pair generation: a tutorial" Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40(3) 469-490 (2023) [PDF]
- A. Martínez-Tapia, S. Corona-Aquino, F. Triana-Arango, C. You, R.-B. Jin, O.S. Magaña-Loaiza, S.-H. Dong, A.B. U'Ren, R. de J. León-Montiel, "Witnessing Entangled Two-Photon Absorption via Quantum Interferometry" APL Photonics 8 036104 (2023) [PDF]
- P. Yepiz-Graciano, Z. Ibarra-Borja, R. Ramírez-Alarcón, G. Gutiérrez-Torres, H. Cruz-Ramírez, D. Lopez-Mago, A. B. U'Ren "Quantum Optical Coherence Microscopy for Bioimaging Applications" Physical Review Applied 18 034060 (2022) [PDF]
- R. Felipe-Elizarraras, H. Cruz-Ramirez, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, and D. Bermudez, "Effective Michelson interference observed in fiber-optical analogue of Hawking radiation," Opt. Express 30, 8063-8074 (2022) [PDF]
- S. Corona-Aquino, O. Calderón-Losada, M. Li-Gomez, H. Cruz-Ramirez, V. Álvarez-Venicio, M.P. Carreón-Castro, R. de J. Leon-Montiel, A.B. U’Ren "Experimental study of the validity of entangled two-photon absorption measurements in organic compounds" J. Phys. Chem. A 126 2185 (2022) [PDF]
- A. Villegas, M.A. Quiroz-Juarez, A.B. U'Ren, J.P. Torres, R.J. Leon-Montiel "Identification of Model Particle Mixtures Using Machine-Learning-Assisted Laser Diffraction" Photonics 9 74 (2022) [PDF]
- E. Ortiz Ricardo, C. Bertoni Ocampo, M. Maldonado-Terrón, A. García Zurita, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, H. Cruz Ramirez, R. Castro-Beltran, A.B. U’Ren, "Submegahertz spectral width photon pair source based on fused silica microspheres", Photonics Research 9 2237 (2021) [PDF]
- D. de la Torre-Robles, F. Dominguez-Serna, G. Lorena Osorio, A.B. U'Ren, D. Bermudez, K. Garay-Palmett "Frequency and polarization emission properties of a photon-pair source based on a photonic crystal fiber" Scientific Reports 11 18092 (2021) [PDF]
M.A. Quiroz-Juárez, A. Torres-Gómez, I. Hoyo-Ulloa, R. León-Montiel, A.B. U’Ren AB
“Identification of high-risk COVID-19 patients using machine learning” PLoS ONE 16(9): e0257234 (2021)
Also available as pre-print: [PDF] - Z. Ibarra-Borja, R. Ramírez-Alarcón, C. Sevilla-Gutiérrez, H. Cruz-Ramírez, and A.B. U’Ren "Imaging of OAM-entangled photon pairs in the Bessel-Gauss basis with full index control” OSA Continuum 4(8), 2210-2220 (2021) [PDF]
- H. M Reynoso-de la Cruz, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, V.A. Camarena-Chávez, A. Martínez-Borquez, G. Gutiérrez-Juárez, A.B. U’Ren, and R. Castro-Beltrán "Low-cost fabrication of microlasers based on polymeric micropedestals". Applied Optics, 60 ,720-726 (2021). [PDF]
- P. Hernández-Reséndiz, H. Cruz-Ramírez, A.B. U’Ren, K.E. Cervantes-de la Cruz, and A. Segura . "Citlalmitl: A Laser-based Device for Meteoritical Sample Fabrication with Arbitrary Thermal Histories". The Planetary Science Journal, 1 34 (2020) [PDF]
- O. Calderón-Losada, T. Moctezuma, H. Cruz-Ramirez, S. Murgueitio Ramírez, A.B. U'Ren, A. Botero, and A. Valencia, "A weak values approach for testing simultaneous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen elements of reality for non-commuting observables", Communications Physics 3, 117 (2020) [ PDF ]
- F.A. Dominguez-Serna, A.B. U'Ren, K. Garay-Palmett “Third order parametric downconversion: a stimulated approach”, Physical Review A 101 (3), 033813 (2020) [ PDF ]
- A. Cavanna, J. Hammer, C. Okoth, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, H. Cruz-Ramirez, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U'Ren, M.H. Frosz, X. Jiang, N.Y. Joly, M.V. Chekhova “Towards third-order parametric down-conversion in optical fibers” Physical Review A 101 (3), 033840 (2020) [ PDF ]
- Z. Ibarra-Borja, C. Sevilla-Gutierrez, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, H. Cruz-Ramirez, A.B. U’Ren “Demonstration of full-field quantum optical coherence tomography”. Photonics Research 8 51 (2020) [ PDF ]
- P Yepiz Graciano, A M Angulo Martinez, D Lopez Mago, H Cruz Ramirez, A. B. U'Ren, "Spectrally-resolved Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry for Quantum-Optical Coherence Tomography" Photonics Research 8 1023 (2020) [ PDF ]
- O.S Magana-Loaiza, R. de J Leon-Montiel, A. Perez-Leija, A.B. U’Ren, K. Busch, A.E. Lita, S.W. Nam, R.P. Mirin, T.Gerrits “Multiphoton Quantum-State Engineering using Conditional Measurements” NPJ Quantum Information 5 80 (2019) [ PDF ]
- Z. Ibarra-Borja, C. Sevilla-Gutierrez, R. Ramirez Alarcon, Q. Zhan, H. Cruz Ramirez, A.B. U’Ren “Direct observation of OAM correlations from spatially entangled bi-photon states” Optics Express 27 25228 (2019) [ PDF ]
- R. de J. León-Montiel, J. Svozilík, J. P. Torres, and A.B. U’Ren, “Temperature-Controlled Entangled-Photon Absorption Spectroscopy” Physical Review Letters 123 023601 (2019) [ PDF ]
- D. Gutiérrez-López, M. Maldonado-Terrón, R.J. Hernández, V. Vicuña-Hernández, R. Ramírez-Alarcón, H. Cruz-Ramírez, R. Jáuregui, A.B. U'Ren, “Spatial control of spontaneous parametric down-conversion photon pairs through the use of apertured Bessel-Gauss pump beams” Physical Review A 100 013802 (2019) [ PDF ]
- D. Cruz-Delgado, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, H. Cruz-Ramirez, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, S.G. Leon- Saval, R. Amezcua-Correa, A.B. U’Ren, “Control over the transverse structure and long- distance fiber propagation of light at the single-photon level”, Scientific Reports 9 9015 (2019) [ PDF ]
- P. Yepiz Graciano, A, Michel Angulo Martínez, D. Lopez-Mago, G. Castro-Olvera, M. Rosete- Aguilar, J. Garduño-Mejía, R. Ramírez Alarcón, H. Cruz Ramírez, A.B. U’Ren, “Interference effects in quantum-optical coherence tomography using spectrally engineered photon pairs”, Scientific Reports 9 8954 (2019) [ PDF ]
- A. Martínez, A. Solis, R. Díaz Hernández Rojas, A.B. U'Ren, J.G. Hirsch, I. Pérez Castillo, “Advanced statistical testing of quantum random number generators”, Entropy 20 886 (2018) [ PDF ]
- K. Zielnicki, J. Garay-Palmett, D. Cruz-Delgado, H- Cruz-Ramirez, M.F. O’Boyle, V. Lorenz, A.B. U’Ren, and P.G. Kwiat “Joint Spectral Characterization of Photon-Pair Sources”, Journal of Modern Optics Journal of Modern Optics 65, 1141-1160 (2018) [ PDF ]
- E. Ortiz-Ricardo, C. Bertoni-Ocampo, Z. Ibarra-Borja, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, D. Cruz- Delgado, H. Cruz-Ramirez, K. Garay-Palmett, A. B. U’Ren “Spectral tunability of two-photon states generated by spontaneous four-wave mix- ing: fiber tapering, temperature variation and longitudinal stress” Quan- tum Science and Technology 2 034015 (2017) [ PDF ]
- A. Solis, A.M. Angulo, A.B. U’Ren, J.G. Hirsch, M. Marsili, and I. Perez- Castillo “Improving randomness characterization through Bayesian model selection”, Scientific Reports 7 3096 (2017) [ PDF ]
- V. Vicuna-Hernandez, J.T. Santiago, Y. Jeronimo-Moreno, R. Ramirez- Alarcon, H. Cruz- Ramirez, A.B. U’Ren, and R. Jauregui-Renaud “Double transverse wavevector correlations in photon pairs generated by sponta- neous parametric down conversion pumped by Bessel- Gauss beams”, Physical Review A 94 063863 (2016) [ PDF ]
- J. Monroy-Ruz, K. Garay-Palmett, and A.B. U’Ren “Counter-propagating spontaneous four wave mixing: photon-pair factorability and ultra-narrowband single photons”, New Journal of Physics 18 103026 (2016) [ PDF ]
- C. Wiechers, R. Ramrez-Alarcn, O.R. Muiz-Snchez, P. D. Ypiz, A. Arredondo- Santos, J.G. Hirsch, and A. B. URen “Systematic afterpulsing-estimation algorithms for gated avalanche photodiodes”, Applied Optics 55 7252 (2016) [ PDF ]
- D. Cruz-Delgado, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, J. Monroy-Ruz, F. Dominguez- Serna, H. Cruz-Ramirez, K. Garay-Palmett, and A.B. U’Ren, “Fiber-based photon-pair source capable of hybrid entanglement in fre- quency and transverse mode, controllably scalable to higher dimensions” Scientific Reports 6, 27377 (2016) [ PDF ]
- F. Kaneda, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. URen, P.G. Kwiat “Heralded single- photon source utilizing highly nondegenerate, spectrally factorable spon- taneous parametric downconversion” Optics Express 24 10733 (2016) [ PDF ]
- K. Garay-Palmett, D. Cruz-Delgado, F. Dominguez-Serna, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, J. Monroy-Ruz, H. Cruz-Ramirez, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, and A. B. U’Ren, “Photon-pair generation by intermodal spontaneous four-wave mixing in birefringent, weakly guiding optical fibers” Phys. Rev. A 93, 033810 (2016) [ PDF ]
- K. Zielnicki, P.G. Kwiat, R. Dirks, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, “Engineering of near-IR photon pairs to be factorable in space-time and en- tangled in polarization”, Optics Express 23 7894 (2015) [ PDF ]
- R. Ramirez-Alarcon, V. Vicuna-Hernandez, H. Cruz-Ramirez, and A.B. U’Ren, “Transverse amplitude transfer experiments based on the process of spontaneous parametric downconversion” Physica Scripta 90 068013 (2015) [ PDF ]
- A. Solis, A.M. Angulo, R. Ramrez, H. Cruz, A. B. U’Ren, J.G. Hirsch, “How random are random numbers generated using photons” Physica Scripta 90 07403 (2015). [ PDF ]
- V. Vicun ̃a-Hernandez, H. Cruz-Ramirez, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, and A. B. U’Ren “Classical to quantum transfer of optical vortices” Opt. Express 22 20027 (2014) [ PDF ]
- D. Cruz-Delgado, J. Monroy-Ruz, A.M. Barrgan, E. Ortiz-Ricard, H. Cruz Ramirez, R. Ramirez Alarcon, and K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren “Configurable spatio-temporal properties in a photon-pair source based on spontaneous four wave mixing with multiple tranvserse mode” Opt. Lett. 39 3583-3586 (2014) [ PDF ]
- R. Ramirez Alarcon, H. Cruz Ramirez, and A.B. U’Ren, “Crystal length effects on the angular spectrum of spontaneous parametric downconversion photon pairs” Laser Physics 23 055204 (2013) [ PDF ]
- K. Garay-Palmett, Y. Jeronimo-Moreno and A.B. U’Ren, “Theory of cavity enhanced spontaneous four wave mixing” Laser Physics 23 015201 (2013) [ PDF ]
- H. Cruz Ramirez, R. Ramirez Alarcon, Francisco J. Morelos, P. Quinto- Su, J.C. Gutierrez Vega and A.B. U’Ren, “Observation of non-diffracting behavior at the single photon level” Optics Express 20 29761 (2012) [ PDF ]
- X. Sanchez Lozano, J.L. Lucio and A.B. U’Ren, “On the relationship between pump chirp and single-photon chirp in spontaneous parametric downconversion” Journal of Optics 14 015202 (2012) [ PDF ]
- D. Rojano Guido and A.B. U’Ren, “Study of the effect of pump focusing on the performance of ghost imaging and ghost diffraction based on spon- taneous parametric down conversion” Optics Communications 285 1269 (2012) [ PDF ]
- M. Corona, K. Garay-Palmett, and A.B. U’Ren, “Third-order spontaneous parametric downconversion in thin optical fibers as a photon-triplet source” Phys. Rev. A 84 033823 (2011) [ PDF ]
- K. Garay-Palmett, A. B. U’Ren, and . Rangel-Rojo, “Tailored photon-pair sources based on inner-loop phasematching in fiber-based spontaneous four-wave-mixing” Rev. Mex. Fis S 57 15 (2011) [ PDF ]
- K. Garay-Palmett, M.Corona, and A.B. U’Ren, “Spontaneous parametric processes in optical fibers: a comparison”. Invited article, accepted. Rev. Mex. Fís S 57 6 (2011) [ PDF ]
- M. Corona, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, “Experimental proposal for the generation of entangled photon triplets by third-order spontaneous parametric downconversion in optical fibers” Opt. Lett. 36 190 (2011) [ PDF ]
- R. Rangarajan, L.E. Vicent, A.B. U’Ren and P.G. Kwiat, “Engineering an ideal indistinguishable photon-pair source for optical quantum information processing” J. Mod. Opt. 58 318 (2011) [ PDF ]
- R. Rangarajan, A.B. U’Ren, P.G. Kwiat, “Polarization dependence on downconversion emission angle: investigation of the 'Migdall effect'” J. Mod. Opt. 58 312 (2011) [ PDF ]
- K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, R Rangel-Rojo, “Conversion efficiency in the process of co- polarized spontaneous four-wave mixing” Phys. Rev. A 82 043809 (2010) [ PDF ]
- L.E. Vicent, A.B. U’Ren, R. Rangarajan, L. Zhang and I.A. Walmsley, “Design of bright, fiber coupled and fully factorable photon pair sources for quantum information processing”, New J. Phys. 12 093027(2010) [ PDF ]
- Y. Jeronimo Moreno, S. Rodriguez-Benavides, A.B. U’Ren, “Theory of cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric downconversion. Laser Physics 5 1221 (2010) [ PDF ]
- K.A. O’Donnell, A.B. U’Ren, “Time-resolved parametric upconversion of entangled photon pairs” Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 123602 (2009) Physical Review Focus. [ PDF ]
- Y. Jerónimo Moreno, A.B. U’Ren, "Control, measurement and propagation of entanglement in photon pairs generated by type-II parametric downconversion " Phys. Rev. A 79 033839 (2009) [ PDF ]
- K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, R. Rangel-Rojo, R. Evans and S. Camacho-López “Ultra- broadband photon pair preparation by spontaneous four wave mixing in dispersion- engineered optical fiber” Phys. Rev. A 78 043827 (2008) [ PDF ]
- K. Garay-Palmett, R. Rangel-Rojo, A.B. U’Ren “Tailored photon pair preparation based on full group velocity matching in fibre-based spontaneous four wave mixing” J. Mod. Opt. 19- 20 3121 (2008) [ PDF ]
- P.J. Mosley, J.S. Lundeen, B.J. Smith, P. Wasylczyk, A.B. U’Ren, C. Silberhorn, I.A. Walmsley “Heralded generation of ultrafast single photons in pure quantum states” Phys. Rev.. Lett. 100, 133601 (2008) [ PDF ]
- K. Garay-Palmett, H. McGuiness, O. Cohen, J. Lundeen,R. Rangel-Rojo, M. Raymer, C. McKinstrie, S. Radic, , A.B. U'Ren, I.A. Walmsley “Photon pair state preparation with tailored spectral properties by spontaneous four wave mixing in dispersion-engineered optical fiber” Optics Express 15 14870 (2007) [ PDF ]
- M. Corona y A.B. U’Ren “Parametric downconversion with optimized spectral properties in nonlinear photonic crystals”, Physical Review A 76, 043829 (2007) [ PDF ]
- P. Wasylczyk, A. B. U’Ren, P. Mosley, J. Lundeen, M. P. A. Branderhorst, S.-P. Gorza, A. Monmayrant, A. Radunsky, I. A. W “A short perspective on long crystals: broadband wave mixing and its application to ultrafast quantum optics” Journal of Modern Optics 54 1939 (2007) [ PDF ]
- K.A. O’Donnell y A.B. U’Ren y “Observation of ultra-broadband, beamlike parametric downconversion” Optics Letters 32 817 (2007) [ PDF ]
- L, Zhang, A.B. U'Ren, R. Erdmann, K.A. O'Donnell, Ch. SIlberhorn, Ian A. Walmsley, “Generation of highly entangled photon pairs for continuous variable Bell inequality violation” Journal of Modern Optics 54 707 (2007) [ PDF ]
- A.B. U’Ren, Y. Jerónimo-Moreno y J.H. García-Gracia “Generation of Fourier transform limited heralded single photons” Phys. Rev. A 75, 023810 (2007) [ PDF ]
- A.B. U’Ren, R. Erdmann, M. De la Cruz e I.A. Walmsley “Generation of two-photon states with arbitrary joint spectrum via nonlinear crystalsuperlattices” Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 223602 (2006) [ PDF ]
- A.S. Radunsky, E. M. Kosik-Williams, I.A. Walmsley, P. Wasylczyk, W. Wasilewski, A.B. U'Ren y M.E. Anderson “Simplified Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-field Reconstruction using a thick nonlinear crystal” Opt.ics Letters 31 1008 (2006) [ PDF ]
- A.B. U’Ren, R. Erdmann, I.A. Walmsley “Synthesis of time-bin entangled states via tailored group velocity matching”. Journal of Modern Optics 52 2197 (2005) [ PDF ]
- A.B. U’Ren, Ch. Silberhorn, J. Ball, K. Banaszek e I. A. Walmsley “Characterization of the non-classical nature of conditionally prepared single photons”. Physical Review A 72, 021802(R) (2005) [ PDF ]
- A.B. U’Ren, Ch. Silberhorn,, K. Banaszek, I..A. Walmsley, R. Erdmann, W.P. Grice , y M.G. Raymer “Generation of pure single photon wavepackets by conditional preparation based on spontaneous parametric downconversion. Laser Physics ,15 146 (2005).[ PDF ]
- A.B. U’Ren, Ch. Silberhorn, K. Banaszek e I..A. Walmsley “Conditional preparation of single photons for scalable quantum-optical networking”. Physical Review Letters 93, 093601 (2004) [ PDF ]
- A.B. U’Ren, E. Mukamel, K. Banaszek e I.A. Walmsley “Managing photons for quantum information processing”. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society of London 361 1493 (2003) [ PDF ]
- A.B. U’Ren, K. Banaszek e I.A. Walmsley “Photon Engineering for quantum information processing”, Quantum Information and Computation Journal 3, 480 (2003) [ PDF ]
- W.P. Grice, A.B. U’Ren e I.A. Walsmley “Eliminating frequency and space-time correlations in multiphoton states” Physical Review A 64 063815 (2001) [ PDF ]
- K. Banaszek, A.B. U’Ren e I.A. Walmsley “Generation of correlated photons in controlled spatial modes by downconversion in nonlinear waveguides” Optics Letters 26 1367 (2001). [ PDF ]