Experimental Quantum Optics Group at ICN-UNAM


  1. Samuel Corona-Aquino, Zi-Qi Zeng, Tao Xie, Shi-Xin You, Chunling Ding, Yukun Song, Dongzhou Wang, Yun Meng, Kai Zou, Xiaolong Hu, Baihong Li, Alfred B. U’Ren, Roberto de J. León-Montiel, and Rui-Bo Jin, Spectral Characterization of Biphotons using Quantum Interferometric Spectroscopy submitted (2024)
  2. D.B. Kim, X. Hu, A.B. U'Ren, K. Garay-Palmett, and V.O. Lorenz "Spatio-Spectral Quantum State Estimation of Photon Pairs from Optical Fiber Using Stimulated Emission" submitted (2024) arXiv:2410.00298
  3. Mateo Frausto-Avila, Roberto de J. León-Montiel, Mario A. Quiroz-Juárez, Alfred B. U’Ren, "Prospective study of machine learning for identification of high-risk COVID-19 patients" submitted (2024) preprint: medRxiv 2024.02.21.24303159
  4. Z. Ibarra-Borja, Pablo Yepiz-Graciano, J. N. Claro-Rodríguez, A. B. U’Ren, R. Ramírez-Alarćon "Imaging symmetric and anti-symmetric behavior of OAM-entangled two-photon states" Physical Review Applied 22 (2), 024068 (2024) [PDF]
  5. S. Corona-Aquino, Z. Ibarra-Borja, O. Calderón-Losada, B. Piccirillo, V. Vicuña-Hernández, T. Moctezuma-Quistian, H. Cruz-Ramírez, D. Lopez-Mago, and A.B. U’Ren, "Generation of heralded vector-polarized single photons in remotely controlled topological classes" Physical Review Applied 21 034030 (2024) [PDF]
  6. Mayte Y. Li-Gomez, Pablo Yepiz-Graciano, Taras Hrushevskyi, Omar Calderón-Losada, Erhan Saglamyurek, Dorilian Lopez-Mago, Vahid Salari, Trong Ngo, Alfred B. U'Ren, and Shabir Barzanjeh "Quantum enhanced probing of multilayered-samples" Phys. Rev. Research 5, 023170 (2023) [PDF]
  7. K. Garay-Palmett, D.-B. Kim, Y. Zhang, F.A. Dominguez-Serna, V.O. Lorenz, A.B. U’Ren "Fiber-based photon pair generation: a tutorial" Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40(3) 469-490 (2023) [PDF]
  8. A. Martínez-Tapia, S. Corona-Aquino, F. Triana-Arango, C. You, R.-B. Jin, O.S. Magaña-Loaiza, S.-H. Dong, A.B. U'Ren, R. de J. León-Montiel, "Witnessing Entangled Two-Photon Absorption via Quantum Interferometry" APL Photonics 8 036104 (2023) [PDF]
  9. P. Yepiz-Graciano, Z. Ibarra-Borja, R. Ramírez-Alarcón, G. Gutiérrez-Torres, H. Cruz-Ramírez, D. Lopez-Mago, A. B. U'Ren "Quantum Optical Coherence Microscopy for Bioimaging Applications" Physical Review Applied 18 034060 (2022) [PDF]
  10. R. Felipe-Elizarraras, H. Cruz-Ramirez, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, and D. Bermudez, "Effective Michelson interference observed in fiber-optical analogue of Hawking radiation," Opt. Express 30, 8063-8074 (2022) [PDF]
  11. S. Corona-Aquino, O. Calderón-Losada, M. Li-Gomez, H. Cruz-Ramirez, V. Álvarez-Venicio, M.P. Carreón-Castro, R. de J. Leon-Montiel, A.B. U’Ren "Experimental study of the validity of entangled two-photon absorption measurements in organic compounds" J. Phys. Chem. A 126 2185 (2022) [PDF]
  12. A. Villegas, M.A. Quiroz-Juarez, A.B. U'Ren, J.P. Torres, R.J. Leon-Montiel "Identification of Model Particle Mixtures Using Machine-Learning-Assisted Laser Diffraction" Photonics 9 74 (2022) [PDF]
  13. E. Ortiz Ricardo, C. Bertoni Ocampo, M. Maldonado-Terrón, A. García Zurita, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, H. Cruz Ramirez, R. Castro-Beltran, A.B. U’Ren, "Submegahertz spectral width photon pair source based on fused silica microspheres", Photonics Research 9 2237 (2021) [PDF]
  14. D. de la Torre-Robles, F. Dominguez-Serna, G. Lorena Osorio, A.B. U'Ren, D. Bermudez, K. Garay-Palmett "Frequency and polarization emission properties of a photon-pair source based on a photonic crystal fiber" Scientific Reports 11 18092 (2021) [PDF]
  15. M.A. Quiroz-Juárez, A. Torres-Gómez, I. Hoyo-Ulloa, R. León-Montiel, A.B. U’Ren AB “Identification of high-risk COVID-19 patients using machine learning” PLoS ONE 16(9): e0257234 (2021)
    Also available as pre-print: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.02.10.21251510 [PDF]
  16. Z. Ibarra-Borja, R. Ramírez-Alarcón, C. Sevilla-Gutiérrez, H. Cruz-Ramírez, and A.B. U’Ren "Imaging of OAM-entangled photon pairs in the Bessel-Gauss basis with full index control” OSA Continuum 4(8), 2210-2220 (2021) [PDF]
  17. H. M Reynoso-de la Cruz, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, V.A. Camarena-Chávez, A. Martínez-Borquez, G. Gutiérrez-Juárez, A.B. U’Ren, and R. Castro-Beltrán "Low-cost fabrication of microlasers based on polymeric micropedestals". Applied Optics, 60 ,720-726 (2021). [PDF]
  18. P. Hernández-Reséndiz, H. Cruz-Ramírez, A.B. U’Ren, K.E. Cervantes-de la Cruz, and A. Segura . "Citlalmitl: A Laser-based Device for Meteoritical Sample Fabrication with Arbitrary Thermal Histories". The Planetary Science Journal, 1 34 (2020) [PDF]
  19. O. Calderón-Losada, T. Moctezuma, H. Cruz-Ramirez, S. Murgueitio Ramírez, A.B. U'Ren, A. Botero, and A. Valencia, "A weak values approach for testing simultaneous Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen elements of reality for non-commuting observables", Communications Physics 3, 117 (2020) [ PDF ]
  20. F.A. Dominguez-Serna, A.B. U'Ren, K. Garay-Palmett “Third order parametric downconversion: a stimulated approach”, Physical Review A 101 (3), 033813 (2020) [ PDF ]
  21. A. Cavanna, J. Hammer, C. Okoth, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, H. Cruz-Ramirez, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U'Ren, M.H. Frosz, X. Jiang, N.Y. Joly, M.V. Chekhova “Towards third-order parametric down-conversion in optical fibers” Physical Review A 101 (3), 033840 (2020) [ PDF ]
  22. Z. Ibarra-Borja, C. Sevilla-Gutierrez, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, H. Cruz-Ramirez, A.B. U’Ren “Demonstration of full-field quantum optical coherence tomography”. Photonics Research 8 51 (2020) [ PDF ]
  23. P Yepiz Graciano, A M Angulo Martinez, D Lopez Mago, H Cruz Ramirez, A. B. U'Ren, "Spectrally-resolved Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry for Quantum-Optical Coherence Tomography" Photonics Research 8 1023 (2020) [ PDF ]
  24. O.S Magana-Loaiza, R. de J Leon-Montiel, A. Perez-Leija, A.B. U’Ren, K. Busch, A.E. Lita, S.W. Nam, R.P. Mirin, T.Gerrits “Multiphoton Quantum-State Engineering using Conditional Measurements” NPJ Quantum Information 5 80 (2019) [ PDF ]
  25. Z. Ibarra-Borja, C. Sevilla-Gutierrez, R. Ramirez Alarcon, Q. Zhan, H. Cruz Ramirez, A.B. U’Ren “Direct observation of OAM correlations from spatially entangled bi-photon states” Optics Express 27 25228 (2019) [ PDF ]
  26. R. de J. León-Montiel, J. Svozilík, J. P. Torres, and A.B. U’Ren, “Temperature-Controlled Entangled-Photon Absorption Spectroscopy” Physical Review Letters 123 023601 (2019) [ PDF ]
  27. D. Gutiérrez-López, M. Maldonado-Terrón, R.J. Hernández, V. Vicuña-Hernández, R. Ramírez-Alarcón, H. Cruz-Ramírez, R. Jáuregui, A.B. U'Ren, “Spatial control of spontaneous parametric down-conversion photon pairs through the use of apertured Bessel-Gauss pump beams” Physical Review A 100 013802 (2019) [ PDF ]
  28. D. Cruz-Delgado, J.C. Alvarado-Zacarias, H. Cruz-Ramirez, J.E. Antonio-Lopez, S.G. Leon- Saval, R. Amezcua-Correa, A.B. U’Ren, “Control over the transverse structure and long- distance fiber propagation of light at the single-photon level”, Scientific Reports 9 9015 (2019) [ PDF ]
  29. P. Yepiz Graciano, A, Michel Angulo Martínez, D. Lopez-Mago, G. Castro-Olvera, M. Rosete- Aguilar, J. Garduño-Mejía, R. Ramírez Alarcón, H. Cruz Ramírez, A.B. U’Ren, “Interference effects in quantum-optical coherence tomography using spectrally engineered photon pairs”, Scientific Reports 9 8954 (2019) [ PDF ]
  30. A. Martínez, A. Solis, R. Díaz Hernández Rojas, A.B. U'Ren, J.G. Hirsch, I. Pérez Castillo, “Advanced statistical testing of quantum random number generators”, Entropy 20 886 (2018) [ PDF ]
  31. K. Zielnicki, J. Garay-Palmett, D. Cruz-Delgado, H- Cruz-Ramirez, M.F. O’Boyle, V. Lorenz, A.B. U’Ren, and P.G. Kwiat “Joint Spectral Characterization of Photon-Pair Sources”, Journal of Modern Optics Journal of Modern Optics 65, 1141-1160 (2018) [ PDF ]
  32. E. Ortiz-Ricardo, C. Bertoni-Ocampo, Z. Ibarra-Borja, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, D. Cruz- Delgado, H. Cruz-Ramirez, K. Garay-Palmett, A. B. U’Ren “Spectral tunability of two-photon states generated by spontaneous four-wave mix- ing: fiber tapering, temperature variation and longitudinal stress” Quan- tum Science and Technology 2 034015 (2017) [ PDF ]
  33. A. Solis, A.M. Angulo, A.B. U’Ren, J.G. Hirsch, M. Marsili, and I. Perez- Castillo “Improving randomness characterization through Bayesian model selection”, Scientific Reports 7 3096 (2017) [ PDF ]
  34. V. Vicuna-Hernandez, J.T. Santiago, Y. Jeronimo-Moreno, R. Ramirez- Alarcon, H. Cruz- Ramirez, A.B. U’Ren, and R. Jauregui-Renaud “Double transverse wavevector correlations in photon pairs generated by sponta- neous parametric down conversion pumped by Bessel- Gauss beams”, Physical Review A 94 063863 (2016) [ PDF ]
  35. J. Monroy-Ruz, K. Garay-Palmett, and A.B. U’Ren “Counter-propagating spontaneous four wave mixing: photon-pair factorability and ultra-narrowband single photons”, New Journal of Physics 18 103026 (2016) [ PDF ]
  36. C. Wiechers, R. Ramrez-Alarcn, O.R. Muiz-Snchez, P. D. Ypiz, A. Arredondo- Santos, J.G. Hirsch, and A. B. URen “Systematic afterpulsing-estimation algorithms for gated avalanche photodiodes”, Applied Optics 55 7252 (2016) [ PDF ]
  37. D. Cruz-Delgado, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, J. Monroy-Ruz, F. Dominguez- Serna, H. Cruz-Ramirez, K. Garay-Palmett, and A.B. U’Ren, “Fiber-based photon-pair source capable of hybrid entanglement in fre- quency and transverse mode, controllably scalable to higher dimensions” Scientific Reports 6, 27377 (2016) [ PDF ]
  38. F. Kaneda, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. URen, P.G. Kwiat “Heralded single- photon source utilizing highly nondegenerate, spectrally factorable spon- taneous parametric downconversion” Optics Express 24 10733 (2016) [ PDF ]
  39. K. Garay-Palmett, D. Cruz-Delgado, F. Dominguez-Serna, E. Ortiz-Ricardo, J. Monroy-Ruz, H. Cruz-Ramirez, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, and A. B. U’Ren, “Photon-pair generation by intermodal spontaneous four-wave mixing in birefringent, weakly guiding optical fibers” Phys. Rev. A 93, 033810 (2016) [ PDF ]
  40. K. Zielnicki, P.G. Kwiat, R. Dirks, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, “Engineering of near-IR photon pairs to be factorable in space-time and en- tangled in polarization”, Optics Express 23 7894 (2015) [ PDF ]
  41. R. Ramirez-Alarcon, V. Vicuna-Hernandez, H. Cruz-Ramirez, and A.B. U’Ren, “Transverse amplitude transfer experiments based on the process of spontaneous parametric downconversion” Physica Scripta 90 068013 (2015) [ PDF ]
  42. A. Solis, A.M. Angulo, R. Ramrez, H. Cruz, A. B. U’Ren, J.G. Hirsch, “How random are random numbers generated using photons” Physica Scripta 90 07403 (2015). [ PDF ]
  43. V. Vicun ̃a-Hernandez, H. Cruz-Ramirez, R. Ramirez-Alarcon, and A. B. U’Ren “Classical to quantum transfer of optical vortices” Opt. Express 22 20027 (2014) [ PDF ]
  44. D. Cruz-Delgado, J. Monroy-Ruz, A.M. Barrgan, E. Ortiz-Ricard, H. Cruz Ramirez, R. Ramirez Alarcon, and K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren “Configurable spatio-temporal properties in a photon-pair source based on spontaneous four wave mixing with multiple tranvserse mode” Opt. Lett. 39 3583-3586 (2014) [ PDF ]
  45. R. Ramirez Alarcon, H. Cruz Ramirez, and A.B. U’Ren, “Crystal length effects on the angular spectrum of spontaneous parametric downconversion photon pairs” Laser Physics 23 055204 (2013) [ PDF ]
  46. K. Garay-Palmett, Y. Jeronimo-Moreno and A.B. U’Ren, “Theory of cavity enhanced spontaneous four wave mixing” Laser Physics 23 015201 (2013) [ PDF ]
  47. H. Cruz Ramirez, R. Ramirez Alarcon, Francisco J. Morelos, P. Quinto- Su, J.C. Gutierrez Vega and A.B. U’Ren, “Observation of non-diffracting behavior at the single photon level” Optics Express 20 29761 (2012) [ PDF ]
  48. X. Sanchez Lozano, J.L. Lucio and A.B. U’Ren, “On the relationship between pump chirp and single-photon chirp in spontaneous parametric downconversion” Journal of Optics 14 015202 (2012) [ PDF ]
  49. D. Rojano Guido and A.B. U’Ren, “Study of the effect of pump focusing on the performance of ghost imaging and ghost diffraction based on spon- taneous parametric down conversion” Optics Communications 285 1269 (2012) [ PDF ]
  50. M. Corona, K. Garay-Palmett, and A.B. U’Ren, “Third-order spontaneous parametric downconversion in thin optical fibers as a photon-triplet source” Phys. Rev. A 84 033823 (2011) [ PDF ]
  51. K. Garay-Palmett, A. B. U’Ren, and . Rangel-Rojo, “Tailored photon-pair sources based on inner-loop phasematching in fiber-based spontaneous four-wave-mixing” Rev. Mex. Fis S 57 15 (2011) [ PDF ]
  52. K. Garay-Palmett, M.Corona, and A.B. U’Ren, “Spontaneous parametric processes in optical fibers: a comparison”. Invited article, accepted. Rev. Mex. Fís S 57 6 (2011) [ PDF ]
  53. M. Corona, K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, “Experimental proposal for the generation of entangled photon triplets by third-order spontaneous parametric downconversion in optical fibers” Opt. Lett. 36 190 (2011) [ PDF ]
  54. R. Rangarajan, L.E. Vicent, A.B. U’Ren and P.G. Kwiat, “Engineering an ideal indistinguishable photon-pair source for optical quantum information processing” J. Mod. Opt. 58 318 (2011) [ PDF ]
  55. R. Rangarajan, A.B. U’Ren, P.G. Kwiat, “Polarization dependence on downconversion emission angle: investigation of the 'Migdall effect'” J. Mod. Opt. 58 312 (2011) [ PDF ]
  56. K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, R Rangel-Rojo, “Conversion efficiency in the process of co- polarized spontaneous four-wave mixing” Phys. Rev. A 82 043809 (2010) [ PDF ]
  57. L.E. Vicent, A.B. U’Ren, R. Rangarajan, L. Zhang and I.A. Walmsley, “Design of bright, fiber coupled and fully factorable photon pair sources for quantum information processing”, New J. Phys. 12 093027(2010) [ PDF ]
  58. Y. Jeronimo Moreno, S. Rodriguez-Benavides, A.B. U’Ren, “Theory of cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric downconversion. Laser Physics 5 1221 (2010) [ PDF ]
  59. K.A. O’Donnell, A.B. U’Ren, “Time-resolved parametric upconversion of entangled photon pairs” Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 123602 (2009) Physical Review Focus. http://focus.aps.org/story/v24/st11 [ PDF ]
  60. Y. Jerónimo Moreno, A.B. U’Ren, "Control, measurement and propagation of entanglement in photon pairs generated by type-II parametric downconversion " Phys. Rev. A 79 033839 (2009) [ PDF ]
  61. K. Garay-Palmett, A.B. U’Ren, R. Rangel-Rojo, R. Evans and S. Camacho-López “Ultra- broadband photon pair preparation by spontaneous four wave mixing in dispersion- engineered optical fiber” Phys. Rev. A 78 043827 (2008) [ PDF ]
  62. K. Garay-Palmett, R. Rangel-Rojo, A.B. U’Ren “Tailored photon pair preparation based on full group velocity matching in fibre-based spontaneous four wave mixing” J. Mod. Opt. 19- 20 3121 (2008) [ PDF ]
  63. P.J. Mosley, J.S. Lundeen, B.J. Smith, P. Wasylczyk, A.B. U’Ren, C. Silberhorn, I.A. Walmsley “Heralded generation of ultrafast single photons in pure quantum states” Phys. Rev.. Lett. 100, 133601 (2008) [ PDF ]
  64. K. Garay-Palmett, H. McGuiness, O. Cohen, J. Lundeen,R. Rangel-Rojo, M. Raymer, C. McKinstrie, S. Radic, , A.B. U'Ren, I.A. Walmsley “Photon pair state preparation with tailored spectral properties by spontaneous four wave mixing in dispersion-engineered optical fiber” Optics Express 15 14870 (2007) [ PDF ]
  65. M. Corona y A.B. U’Ren “Parametric downconversion with optimized spectral properties in nonlinear photonic crystals”, Physical Review A 76, 043829 (2007) [ PDF ]
  66. P. Wasylczyk, A. B. U’Ren, P. Mosley, J. Lundeen, M. P. A. Branderhorst, S.-P. Gorza, A. Monmayrant, A. Radunsky, I. A. W “A short perspective on long crystals: broadband wave mixing and its application to ultrafast quantum optics” Journal of Modern Optics 54 1939 (2007) [ PDF ]
  67. K.A. O’Donnell y A.B. U’Ren y “Observation of ultra-broadband, beamlike parametric downconversion” Optics Letters 32 817 (2007) [ PDF ]
  68. L, Zhang, A.B. U'Ren, R. Erdmann, K.A. O'Donnell, Ch. SIlberhorn, Ian A. Walmsley, “Generation of highly entangled photon pairs for continuous variable Bell inequality violation” Journal of Modern Optics 54 707 (2007) [ PDF ]
  69. A.B. U’Ren, Y. Jerónimo-Moreno y J.H. García-Gracia “Generation of Fourier transform limited heralded single photons” Phys. Rev. A 75, 023810 (2007) [ PDF ]
  70. A.B. U’Ren, R. Erdmann, M. De la Cruz e I.A. Walmsley “Generation of two-photon states with arbitrary joint spectrum via nonlinear crystalsuperlattices” Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 223602 (2006) [ PDF ]
  71. A.S. Radunsky, E. M. Kosik-Williams, I.A. Walmsley, P. Wasylczyk, W. Wasilewski, A.B. U'Ren y M.E. Anderson “Simplified Spectral Phase Interferometry for Direct Electric-field Reconstruction using a thick nonlinear crystal” Opt.ics Letters 31 1008 (2006) [ PDF ]
  72. A.B. U’Ren, R. Erdmann, I.A. Walmsley “Synthesis of time-bin entangled states via tailored group velocity matching”. Journal of Modern Optics 52 2197 (2005) [ PDF ]
  73. A.B. U’Ren, Ch. Silberhorn, J. Ball, K. Banaszek e I. A. Walmsley “Characterization of the non-classical nature of conditionally prepared single photons”. Physical Review A 72, 021802(R) (2005) [ PDF ]
  74. A.B. U’Ren, Ch. Silberhorn,, K. Banaszek, I..A. Walmsley, R. Erdmann, W.P. Grice , y M.G. Raymer “Generation of pure single photon wavepackets by conditional preparation based on spontaneous parametric downconversion. Laser Physics ,15 146 (2005).[ PDF ]
  75. A.B. U’Ren, Ch. Silberhorn, K. Banaszek e I..A. Walmsley “Conditional preparation of single photons for scalable quantum-optical networking”. Physical Review Letters 93, 093601 (2004) [ PDF ]
  76. A.B. U’Ren, E. Mukamel, K. Banaszek e I.A. Walmsley “Managing photons for quantum information processing”. Philosophical Transactions Royal Society of London 361 1493 (2003) [ PDF ]
  77. A.B. U’Ren, K. Banaszek e I.A. Walmsley “Photon Engineering for quantum information processing”, Quantum Information and Computation Journal 3, 480 (2003) [ PDF ]
  78. W.P. Grice, A.B. U’Ren e I.A. Walsmley “Eliminating frequency and space-time correlations in multiphoton states” Physical Review A 64 063815 (2001) [ PDF ]
  79. K. Banaszek, A.B. U’Ren e I.A. Walmsley “Generation of correlated photons in controlled spatial modes by downconversion in nonlinear waveguides” Optics Letters 26 1367 (2001). [ PDF ]

Dr. Alfred U'Ren

Tenured Research Scientist
Investigador Titular C (PRIDE D)
equivalent to
Full Professor

Member of National System of Researchers, level III (highest)

Member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences

Recipient of Mexican Academy of Sciences Research Prize (Exact Sciences), 2013


+52(55) 5622-4681

Secretary (Lucila Gonzalez Loperena):
+52(55) 5622-4672
